Fixing Air Locks

Air locks are a common enough problem in relation to water piping (they also occur in radiators). Often when you attempt to turn on a tap and no water comes out it is due to there being an air lock located somewhere within your piping. As the name implies, an air lock is essentially a pocket of air which has become trapped in your piping and obstructs the flow of water.

Air locks

Fortunately, in the majority of cases, the problem can be fixed without the need for bringing in a professional plumber. All you need to fix the majority of water pipe air locks is an ordinary hose and some free time to carry out the works.

How to Fix Air Locks:

If the tap which is affected by an air lock is located indoors you should place towels, newspapers or some form of absorbent cloth down in the general area where you will be working before you start as spillages are likely.

Draining your Plumbing System:

If your efforts to remove an air lock from your pipes by means of the hose method have proven to be unsuccessful, you may need to have your plumbing system drained in full. While this does sound like a difficult and messy task, it is nowhere near as complicated as it sounds.
You should be able to do it yourself if you follow these steps:

If done correctly, this method should completely remove all air locks from your water pipes.

If you are having trouble carrying out either of the remedies outlined in this article or you have followed these instructions closely and are still experiencing problems, you should contact DeWAR Plumbers (on our phone number 01 514 3300 or send us an email) for assistance and/or advice.

Boiler Filter Replacement

Boiler Filter Replacement – As with virtually any component associated with a HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system, your oil or gas boiler needs to be properly maintained in order for it to run at its optimum efficiency levels. An often overlooked form of boiler maintenance which must be carried out fairly regularly is the process of boiler filter replacement.

boiler filter replacement

Boiler Filter Replacement

Luckily enough, boiler filter replacements are reasonably easy to carry out. Despite the fact that there are a great many different types of gas and oil boilers on the market, the boiler filter replacement process is fairly standardised and does not offer a whole lot of variation from the norm. Your plumber will be able to replace a boiler filter regardless of what kind of boiler you own.

What does a Boiler Filter do?

A boiler filter is a device which is attached to your boiler and used to remove unwanted elements (dirt, dust, allergens etc.) from the air which circulates through a building. They are typically located where the return air duct of the HVAC system meets with the boiler itself.

You may, on occasion, hear of boiler filters being referred to as ‘furnace filters’. This is what they are known as in America, but ‘boiler filter’ is a much more commonly used term in places like Ireland. Please note that the boiler filters being discussed here serve a different function to the similarly named MagnaClean Filters which are used to remove black iron oxide from radiator systems.

Different Types of Boiler Filters:

There are several different kinds of boiler filters to choose from which vary in terms of pricing and effectiveness. The main types are outlined below as a guide to help you figure out what kind of boiler filter best suits your specific needs:

Fiberglass Boiler Filters:

Boiler filters which are constructed from fiberglass are the cheapest option available to you. Although they are inexpensive to purchase, their main drawback is that they only filter about ten percent of dust particles when operating. They also need to be replaced quite frequently (every month or so), meaning that they are not considered sound long term investments by most professionals.

Pleated Boiler Filters:

A pleated boiler filter could be considered a ‘level up’ from a fiberglass boiler filter in that they are more effective when it comes to air filtration. Pleated boiler filters will typically remove between thirty and forty percent of air based particles and tend to need replacement every three months based on typical use.

Electrostatic Boiler Filters:

Generally believed to be the very best boiler filters that money can buy, electrostatic boiler filters remove about 90% of unwanted particles (dust, allergens etc.) from the air. Another great advantage of electrostatic boiler filters is that they are a once off purchase which doesn’t need to be replaced. They do. however, need to be washed about four times a year in order to prevent excessive grime build up, but this is fairly easy to do. If you choose an electrostatic boiler filter you aren’t throwing out old filters regularly so are doing your bit for the environment by not generating waste.

Precautions to be Taken Before Carrying Out a Boiler Filter Replacement:

How to Change a Boiler Filter:

Whether you have a gas boiler or an oil boiler the process of boiler filter replacement tends to be very similar. For health and safety purposes, such tasks should be carried out by trained professionals. Your tradesperson will carry out the following steps when carrying out  a boiler filter replacement:


If you wish to organise a gas or oil boiler service call DeWAR Plumbers on our phone number 01 514 3344. Alternatively, you can send us an email to organise a time and date that suits you.


Finding A Good Dublin Plumbing Company Online

Finding a good emergency Dublin Plumbing Company in a busy city like Dublin can be a surprisingly tricky task. Between reading through endless directories (both print and online), navigating your way through pages upon pages of Google search results, calling up various plumbing companies to inquire about prices and checking out the many ads that are on display, it can become a time consuming and exhausting endeavor. With so many different Dublin based plumbers around how can you tell the wood from the proverbial trees?

Dublin Plumbing Company

Finding Good Dublin Plumbing Company Online

Here are some helpful tips in relation to finding good Dublin plumbers while surfing the internet:

Do they have a Website?

A website might seem like a superfluous thing to be looking for when all you want is some plumbing services carried out, but in reality, this is one of the first things you should look at. In this day and age, any company worth its salt, whether it be plumbing, roofing, air-con, electricians or anything else for that matter, should have an online presence. If you find a Dublin Plumbing Company, particularly one servicing the Dublin area, that does not have a website then your immediate question should be, “Why don’t they?”. A plumbing company that does not have a website comes across as being ‘behind the times’ and shows a lack of forward planning – something no customer wants from their plumbers.

Of course, not all websites are created equally. Some will be considerably better than others. If a Dublin Plumbing Company appears to have done the bare minimum in order to have a website for the sake of one then you should be cautious when approaching the plumbers in question. This could be indicative of how the plumbing company operates across the board; paying lip service to important matters and doing the bare minimum in relation to important matters – something no customer should settle for from their Dublin Plumbing Company, not when there are so many good plumbers operating in and around the Greater Dublin area.

A good plumbing website should be easy to navigate and full of helpful information about the services they provide. Explanations should be detailed but, at the same time, not so technical that non-experts cannot read them easily. Different services should be given their own unique pages which should be easy to find from the homepage. A well structured and highly detailed website is a sign of a plumbing company that takes great pride and care in its works and is willing to go the extra mile to make life easier for their customers.

Particularly good Dublin Plumbing Company will also share valuable tips, resources and information via blogs. A willingness to do so shows that the plumbing company in question is knowledgeable in relation to the work they carry out. ‘How to’ style blog entries also show honesty – many plumbing companies would rather hide any information in relation to DIY maintenance from their customers in order to maximise the amount of work (and therefore money) they can squeeze out of their clients. Plumbers who openly share ‘trade secrets’ with customers are confident in their abilities and unlikely to try and pull the wool over your eyes.

Are they Active on Social Media?

Much like a properly organised website, having a strong presence on social media is a sign of a good plumbing company. Once you have found a plumbing company who have a well put together website, you should check to see if they are active on social media. If they regularly update their Facebook, Twitter and Google + accounts with interesting content it is a good sign that the plumbing company is both active and on the ball when it comes to new developments and are willing to engage with their customers directly.

Check Google’s Reviews:

While a plumbing company with a good website and a strong social media presence is a good start, it is not the be all and end all. Generally speaking, a plumbing company’s website (and related social media platforms) only contains the views and opinions of the plumbers themselves, not their actual customers. The plumbing website may contain quotes that appear to be from satisfied customers, but how can you be sure that such quotes are legitimate? After all, just about anyone can write things like this:

Wonderful service. Highly recommended. 5 Stars!
Mary, Drumcondra

Just because a quote is attributed to a person on a plumbing company’s website it does not guarantee that the person in question actually exists, let alone endorsed the plumbing company. Anyone could have written the quotes that you see slapped across a plumber’s homepage. A much more accurate way of finding out what people have really said about a plumbing company is looking them up on Google. Often when you type the name of a company into Google reviews written by actual Google users will appear. Here is an example of what a trusted plumber service’s Google review page should look like:


DeWAR Gas Oil Service Boiler Service Repair Upgrade About Google



 Are Web Directories a Good Sign?

To put it simply, being able to find a plumbing company listed in directories is not necessarily a bad sign. It shows that the company is willing to move with the times and create an online presence for itself. However, be wary of plumbing companies which are present in numerous online directories but don’t have their own specific websites (the same goes for social media platforms). Since lots of directories can be signed up for by businesses for free they could be using such directories as a means of ‘cutting corners’ in order to get an online presence without putting in the work required to make a proper website. As with virtually every service imaginable, companies which cut corners should be avoided.

The best plumbing companies will generally be listed on their fair share of web directories (although not necessarily all of them – some directories are notably better than others) in addition to having a well-made website and social media presence. Generally speaking, the more online visibility a plumbing company has, the more likely it is to be a reliable source of plumbing services. A good online presence can help you spot the good plumbing companies standing out among the many that populate the Greater Dublin area.

Other Considerations:

Of course, online presence isn’t the only thing that you should take into account when searching for a good plumbing company in Dublin. Check out our tips for Choosing A Plumber in Dublin.

If you have any queries feel free to call our phone number 01 514 3300 or send us an email and our team will gladly offer  you the assistance you need.

Choosing good Plumbers in Dublin

There are plenty of plumbers in Dublin area these days. In fact, Dublin based residents are somewhat spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing a plumber to carry out works in their home or business. With so many to choose from, how should one decide on one Dublin based plumbing service over another?

Plumbers in Dublin

Plumbers in Dublin

Just like any other home based service (such as roofing, air-con, electrical services etc.), there are certain standards and practices which should be closely adhered to when it comes to plumbers. Listed below are some of the most important things that you should expect from your plumber. If they do not meet all of these criteria then you should probably take your business elsewhere. After all, it’s not like there is a shortage of plumbers in Dublin.

What Makes A Good Plumber?

Plumbers Must be Qualified

While there are lots of fully qualified and reputable plumbers based in Dublin, there are also plenty of unsuitable ‘cowboys’ and chancers doing the rounds – often offering their services on the cheap at the expense of good and honest labour. Don’t be tempted to go for whoever is offering the lowest priced plumber service without first checking that they are legitimate plumbers – this could lead to problems (eg: shoddy craftsmanship or a lack of redress) further on down the road.

Be sure to check that your chosen plumber’s credentials are up to scratch. For example, did you know that it is illegal in Ireland for anyone to work on gas based equipment such as your central heating system’s gas boiler without being registered with the RGI (Registered Gas Installers of Ireland)?

If your plumber is not fully qualified you run the risk of receiving poor and possibly even dangerous workmanship.

Plumbers Must be Fully Insured

Just because the person you have carrying out your plumbing works is a qualified and registered plumber, that does not necessarily mean that they have all of the required paperwork needed to be a good option. Insurance is every bit as important as qualifications when it comes to plumbing.

Always make sure that your chosen plumber is fully insured. Otherwise, you will be liable to pay for damages should something go wrong (and, let’s be honest here, if your plumber is careless enough to not have insurance then they will most likely extend said carelessness to other aspects of their work)! Always check to see if your plumber has public liability insurance.

There are plenty of plumbers in Dublin who are both fully qualified and insured for the work that they carry out, so don’t settle for anything less.

Plumbers in Dublin Should be Available 24/7

It makes sense for plumbers in Dublin to be available anywhere in Dublin any time as plumbing problems such as burst pipes or broken radiators are not polite enough to occur only at times that suit you. Indeed, Murphy’s Law would dictate that they can and do happen at the most inopportune times. There’s not much point in calling a plumber on a Saturday night during a Bank Holiday weekend if they don’t open again until Tuesday morning. The longer it takes for your plumbing problems to be seen to, the more damage they will cause.

Even if your plumbing problems occur during normal working hours, you should still avail of an emergency plumbing service which operates 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Although plumber services which close will be able to come out and fix your problems at these times, you are left vulnerable should something go wrong later. You could end up stuck waiting until the next day to have follow on problems rectified al because your plumber has turned off their phone for the night.

In plumbing it is best advised to expect the unexpected and has a contingency plan should the worst case scenario happen.

Plumbers Shouldn’t Have Hidden Charges

Despicably, some plumbing companies still charge their customers for petrol which they used driving their van to your property. Some even start charging an hourly rate which starts from the moment they start up the van and begin their journey toward the job. This is a totally underhanded and unfair practice. Plumbing companies which do this are best avoided like the plague as they are rip-off merchants. A plumber should only start charging once they have arrived on site and have begun working. Fortunately, most plumbing companies in Dublin operate in this fair manner, but you must keep your eyes peeled for the dodgy ones.

When arranging for a plumber to do works for you, be sure to make sure that they outline what they intend to do and how much this will cost. Prices should be clearly spelled out by your plumber so you will know how much you will have to pay for their services. Beware of rogue plumbers, which are becoming increasingly common in Dublin these days, who will try spring additional charges and expenses on you once they are on site.

It helps to get your list of works required and their relevant prices quoted in writing before any works are carried out so you are not tricked into paying extra money for plumbing services which you hadn’t agreed to have carried out beforehand.

Plumbers Should Offer Fair Advice

As most people know precious little about plumbing and the various processes involved in it, your plumber has you at something of a disadvantage as regards knowledge on the subject. With this in mind, plumbers have a certain amount of responsibility on their shoulders as to not take advantage of this situation for profit.

A sign of an honest plumber is one who is willing to make a recommendation that may not be as lucrative for them as some other options may be. Plumbers should also be upfront about the advantages and disadvantages of the various services which they offer. If they only ever bring up the positives, while ignoring the negatives, then there is a possibility that they are dishonestly hiding something and more interested in making a sale than giving you the most appropriate plumbing services for your needs.

Plumbers in Dublin should be Tidy

One of the main things that put many home owners off having important plumbing works carried out for them is a fear that their plumber will make a mess of their house. It is a plumber’s responsibility to leave your home in every bit as good condition as they found it in. They should put in proper precautions to avoid creating a mess, clean up as they go and give the area they were working in a thorough clean once they have completed all of their plumbing works.

A plumber who is messy should be avoided. Check the cleanliness of their van, office and/or work station if possible. If these are messy then it is likely that they are a messy person by way of disposition and might be sloppy when it comes to doing their actual plumbing jobs.

A plumber should also be well kept in terms of personal appearance. Although, some leeway should be afforded in this regard. Bear in mind that your plumber has more than likely performed numerous plumbing tasks before arriving at your site and will not be in a perfect condition of cleanliness. That said, they should not be filthy and/or smelly upon arriving at your home.


At DeWAR Emergency Plumbers we take great pride in our work. All of our plumbers will strive to meet all of the aforementioned criteria, giving you, the customer, the best plumbing service possible.

DeWAR Plumbers operate all day, every day (24/7), offering a wide variety of plumbing services all over Dublin as well as the rest of Ireland. You can contact us on 01 514 3300 or send us an email to get a quote for any plumbing service.